Mulwarra supplies a range of gourmet cheese from specialist producers of sheep, goat, buffalo and cow milk. This range offers customers an exceptional variety of the finest cheese, which can be consolidated and shipped to our international customers.
Meredith Dairy is a specialist farmhouse dairy located in the southern Australian state of Victoria. Sheep and goats are milked year round producing milk of a consistent quality. With this milk, Meredith produces exceptional cheese based on traditional French farmhouse methods.
As a result of the premium inputs used, such as blue spores from caves in Auvergne and Languedoc in southern France, Meredith cheese products are unique in flavour, texture, and aroma.
Mulwarra supplies Meredith’s full range of sheep and goat milk products, including favourites such as Meredith Marinated Goat Cheese and Meredith Sheep Milk Yoghurt.
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