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Karak Tea

Karak Tea
This type of tea is different than any other known conventional teas. Karak is a word that represents the process of repeating the Tea-Boiling process to come up with a strong tea. It is an indian “Urdu” term that was known later on by the people from the Gulf region through intensive business trading with India while Gulf traders journeyed to India to bring various goods. From that time the journey of Karak Tea has begun spreading to the Gulf countries.

Karak Tea Product
Karak Teas are made of the finest Kenyan tea enriched with milk and premium sugarcane extract. It’s optionally complimented with exotic flavors to bring the most refined experience. Our flavors are cardamom, Kashmiri saffron, Coffee, ginger and cinnamon.
The ingredients’ Taste and quality are well preserved by our premium easy tear packs. Also, it comes in Dulce Gusto compatible capsules.


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